28 June, 2009

Asp.Net Interview Questions

What Features Are in Silverlight?

Silverlight combines multiple technologies into a single development platform that enables you to select the right tools and the right programming language for your needs. Silverlight offers you the following features:

WPF and XAML. Silverlight includes Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) technology, which greatly extends the elements in the browser for creating UI. WPF lets you create immersive graphics, animation, media, and other rich client features, extending browser-based UI beyond what is available with HTML alone. Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) provides a declarative markup syntax for creating WPF elements.
See Creating User Interfaces with Silverlight for more information.
Extensions to JavaScript. Silverlight provides extensions to the universal browser scripting language that provide powerful control over the browser UI, including the ability to work with WPF elements.
See Silverlight 1.0 - Development with JavaScript for more information.
Cross-browser, cross-platform support. Silverlight runs the same on all popular browsers (on any platform). You can design and develop your application without having to worry about which browser or platform your users have.
See Creating and Deploying Silverlight Applications for more information.
Integration with existing applications. Silverlight integrates seamlessly with your existing JavaScript and ASP.NET AJAX code to complement functionality you have already created.
See Integrating Silverlight with ASP.NET Web Pages for more information.
Access to the .NET Framework programming model and to associated tools. You can create Silverlight-based applications using dynamic languages such as managed JScript and IronPython as well as languages such as C# and Visual Basic. You can use development tools such as Visual Studio to create Silverlight-based applications.
See Common Language Runtime and Base Class Library in Silverlight and Dynamic Languages in Silverlight 2 for more information.
LINQ. Silverlight includes language-integrated query (LINQ), which enables you to program data access using intuitive native syntax and strongly typed objects in .NET Framework languages.
See Parsing XML Data in Silverlight for more information.
If you already use ASP.NET, you can integrate Silverlight with the server and client capabilities of ASP.NET that you are familiar with. You can create server-based resources in ASP.NET and use the AJAX capabilities of ASP.NET to interact with server-based resources without interrupting the user.

Reference by :http://msdn.microsoft.com

What Is Silverlight?

Silverlight enables you to create a state-of-the-art application that has the following features:
It is a cross-browser, cross-platform technology. It runs in all popular Web browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari, and on Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X.
It provides a consistent experience no matter where it runs.
It is supported by a very small download that installs in seconds.
It streams video and audio. It scales video quality to everything from mobile devices to desktop browsers to 720p HDTV video modes.
It includes compelling graphics that users can manipulate—drag, turn, zoom—directly in the browser.
It reads data and updates the display, but it doesn't interrupt the user by refreshing the whole page.
Silverlight-based application with rich graphics and user interaction
Web developers and graphics designers can create Silverlight-based applications in a variety of ways. You can use Silverlight markup to create media and graphics, and manipulate them with dynamic languages and managed code. Silverlight also enables you to use professional-quality tools like Visual Studio for coding and Microsoft Expression Blend for layout and graphic design.

Reference by :http://msdn.microsoft.com

SMTP and POP3 Mail server Setting

Yahoo! Mail Settings

Yahoo Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop.mail.yahoo.com (port 110)
Yahoo Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - smtp.mail.yahoo.com (port 25)

Yahoo Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - plus.pop.mail.yahoo.com (SSL enabled, port 995)
Yahoo Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - plus.smtp.mail.yahoo.com (SSL enabled, port 465)

Google GMail Settings

Google Gmail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop.gmail.com (SSL enabled, port 995)
Google Gmail Outgoing Mail Server - use the SMTP mail server address provided by your local ISP or smtp.gmail.com (SSL enabled, port 465)

Lycos Mail Settings

Lycos Mail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop.mail.lycos.com (port 110)
Lycos MailOutgoing Mail Server - smtp.mail.lycos.com or use your local ISP SMTP mail server

AOL Mail Settings

AOL Incoming Mail Server (IMAP) - imap.aol.com (port 143)
AOL Outgoing Mail Server - smtp.aol.com or use your local ISP SMTP mail server

Mail.com Mail Settings

Mail.com Mail Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop1.mail.com (port 110)
Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server

Netscape Internet Service Mail Settings

Netscape Internet Service Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop.3.isp.netscape.com (port 110)
Netscape Internet Service Outgoing Mail Server - smtp.isp.netscape.com (port 25, using a secure SSL connection)

Tiscali Mail Settings

Tiscali Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop.tiscali.com (port 110)
Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server

Freeserve Mail Settings

Freeserve Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop.freeserve.com (port 110)
Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server

Supanet Mail Settings

Supanet Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - pop.supanet.com (port 110)
Outgoing Mail Server - use your local ISP SMTP mail server

Using COM components in .NET and How to add a reference to a COM component?

The .NET does not encourage the use of COM component directly inside the managed application! Although, the .NET framework contains utilities that enable COM components to be used inside the .Net applications seamlessly. How it is done? The .NET utilities like TlbImp generates the wrapper .NET assembly for the COM component which provides the same calling interface to the client as exposed by the COM component. Inside the wrapper methods, it calls the actual methods of the COM component and returns the result back to the caller. The generated wrapper .NET assembly is called the ‘Runtime Callable Wrapper’ or RCW.
To use a COM component in your Visual Studio.NET project, you need to add a reference of the COM component in the Reference node of the project node of the solution inside the solution explorer window. The great thing about Visual Studio.Net is that it allows you to add a reference to the COM component in exactly the similar way as you add the reference to the .NET assembly. The Visual Studio.NET automatically creates the runtime callable wrapper assembly for the referenced COM component.
To add a reference to a COM component, right click the ‘Reference’ node under the project node inside the solution explorer and select the ‘Add Reference…’ option. It will show you a user interface screen where you browse for the target COM component. When you have selected the component, press the ‘Select’ button and then press OK. This will add a new reference node in the Reference sub tree of the project. By selecting the added reference node, you can edit its properties from the properties window.
Note: The process of importing a COM component into .NET is called ‘COM interoperability with .NET’

What are XML Doc comments (comments start with three slashes ///)?

The XML Doc comments are special kind of comments that can be recognized by Document utility to automatically generate the documentation of your methods, types and regions.

How true it is that .NET and Java programs are quite in-efficient when compared to C++?

The startup of managed .NET and Java programs is definitely slower than the traditional C++ programs as it involves the hosting of CLR into managed application process in .NET and starting the JVM in a new process in case of Java. The execution also is a bit slower during the initial period of program execution as the intermediate code is translated to the machine code on the fly at runtime. But as the program runs various parts repeatedly, the execution gets pace too. Since, the CLR and JVM optimizes the code more efficiently than the static C++ compilers, the execution speed of the program may actually be faster after sometime of the program startup when most of the code is translated. Hence, in the longer run, the .Net and Java based programs should not be in-efficient when compared to C++. We used ‘should’ here as the actual performance depends on the particular implementation and implementation strategy.

What are the shortcomings of MS.NET platform?

The foremost short coming of .NET platform is that it is still the propriety of Microsoft. It is more coupled with the Microsoft Windows operating system and is implemented only on Microsoft Windows successfully. MS.NET desktop applications can run only on Microsoft Windows, Web based applications and web services can only be deployed on Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS). Since, dot net framework contains a lot of utilities, components, and framework class libraries, the size of downloadable framework is quite large (25MB compared to 5MB size of JVM). Not all types of applications can be written in .NET managed applications, for example, you can’t write CLR or Operating System in your managed applications. The managed .Net applications are somewhat slower to start and run than the traditional Win32 applications. The compiled code of .Net managed applications is easier to de-compile back to the source code.

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